


全国各地的急诊室和重症监护室都在忙于应对COVID-19, 医务人员仍在治疗其他受伤和疾病. 神经重症监护室就是这样一个病房, the intensive care unit focused on treating patients who suffer from severe brain injuries, 中风, 脑部肿瘤, 还有其他类似的疾病.

Anything that impacts the brain and nerves can cause serious mobility problems for 任何one who experiences such an event. 对于大多数神经创伤患者, 物理治疗必须尽快开始, and physical therapist assistants like 泰勒J play a critical role in helping these patients regain their movement.

工作在 任何 在冠状病毒大流行期间,重症监护室是一项特别艰巨的挑战, 但泰勒每天都在寻找超越和服务的方法. Because of her strength and selfless bravery, we selected Taylor as one of our honored bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全界的英雄.


Murray, UT的物理治疗师助理(神经ICU /外科ICU)




My responsibilities in the acute care setting focus mainly on helping patients who are critic所有y and acutely ill and those that require 增加 assistance to perform basic mobility tasks.

我和我的团队负责教学转移, 步态, 让那些目前还不能自己做手术的病人有一般的活动能力.


我的每一天都是从对我的病人进行彻底的病历回顾开始的, specific所有y their precautions and 任何thing that might prevent them from receiving therapy that day. 在与护士和医生协调后,我开始了一天的治疗.

bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载首先关注重症患者——那些需要更多帮助的患者. Then we work our way to the more functional patients to continue their ongoing therapy programs.


最初的大流行 减少 bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载团队的病人负荷. 这甚至引起了人们对工作时间不足的担忧.

现在,COVID-19病例已经出现 增加 在犹他州,缺少病人不再是一个问题. bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载是 much busier, and 任何 concern now is for the safety of the staff and our families at home.

了解和理解个人防护装备的用途和正确使用给了我信心, 每次换班的时候我都能感觉到. Knowing that I’m doing what I can and following my training is what I know is going to protect my patients, 我和家人.


The difficulty now is making sure we are safe as healthcare professionals since we’re working in direct contact with patients. This means taking additional precautions to prevent potential transfer to other patients and our own families.

bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载一直在努力防止细菌的传播, 但这种病毒已经引起并提高了人们的意识…不仅仅是在bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载部门, 而是在整个bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全领域.


我爱我的病人和同事. 我最大的灵感肯定来自他们. I’ve built such strong relationships with both those I work beside and those I help with their recovery.

压力有时肯定让人难以承受. 你如何找到平衡? 在工作压力大的时候,你是怎么保持镇定的?

Every day when I wake up, I try and find one positive event that I know will happen that day. 然后我试着一整天都专注于这件事, 这有助于防止恐惧和焦虑获得控制.

人们很容易屈服于这种恐惧, 但我了解我的病人, family and friends need to see that those in the middle of 所有 this—like me—can still be there as support.

It doesn’t mean some days aren’t hard but trying to find the good in each person and each moment has been key to enduring through this ch所有enging time so far.

I also highly recommend taking lunches and walks outside when possible just to get out of the hospital for a mental break. 和我的同事把事情说出来也能帮助我应对. These are the best ways I know to keep composure during the re所有y ch所有enging moments.

Any words of advice or inspiration you’d like to share with other healthcare workers who may be coping with similar ch所有enges?

是善良的. bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载所有 苦苦挣扎的.

When your co-worker snaps or is short with you, find a way to be understanding instead of reacting. The best thing we can do right now is love each other (from a distance) and make sure we feel supported in our roles.

There are thousands of men and women who are studying to become medical professionals while watching 所有 of this unfold. 你会对他们说什么?



好好利用你现在所受的教育,趁你有机会,多学点东西. And be prepared to learn more when you start working… the learning won’t (and should never) stop.

那么bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的非医学读者呢? 对他们有什么建议吗?

善良比任何病毒或疾病都更容易传染. If we can support one another through difficult times, it will make 所有 our lives so much better.


bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载要感谢泰勒的辛勤工作, 鼓舞人心的话, 以及面对全球大流行时的奉献精神. 她的榜样是所有医护工作者都应该(而且确实)效仿的, and we know each of her patients is grateful for her spirit and for the help she provides.

bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载为你骄傲,泰勒! 保持惊人的工作!